Thursday, 18 April 2013

Broadband Outage - Resolved

We are currently investigating an issue in Telehouse which is affecting all our DSL circuits. We will update when we have more info.


  1. We have now started to see the bulk of connections coming back online, normal service is returning.

  2. Whilst the above issue has been resolved (customers could not get online at all), customers are currently online but some are suffering from packet loss.

    Category: Service Outage
    Service Element: Broadband Aggregation Network
    Time the Outage occurred: on the 19th April 2013 at 10:57 and is still ongoing
    Description: We have had reports advising of an issue with authentication and packet loss which is affecting users web experience.

    The issue has been reported to the Network Operations Centre who are investigating this as a matter of priority.

    In the meantime we ask that customers power off their equipment for 10 minutes and retry.

  3. This is still an ongoing (and random) issue.


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